Monday 11 August 2014

Information about Ebola Virus

Posted at  01:36  |  in  Health

Some people are very concerned about both the Americans, who contracted the deadly Ebola virus while doing medical and missionary work over in Africa.  The dilemma is not necessarily dedicated to the recovery of both victims, however the major questions that folks are asking this author is, 'What about us'? 'What about a Outbreak'? 'What needs to have been done'?
Natural mutations inside genetic code can be small, inconsequential changes and require a period of time to formulate. It is relative based on what bit of genetic facts are changed. However, viruses and pathogenic bacteria may have their DNA intentionally changed to match the purposes of man. This is authorized through researchers who have mapped and published the genome of assorted pathogens, so that it is easily accessible to someone else who is researching the identical type of pathogen.

The Ebola virus causes small blood clots to make in the bloodstream in the patient; the blood thickens along with the blood flow slows. Blood clots get stuck into blood vessels forming red spots about the patient skin. These grow in dimensions as the disease progress. Also, blood clots will not allow a suitable blood supply to numerous organs such as the liver, brain, lungs, kidneys, intestines, breast tissue, testicles, etc.

"Examined and treated on a herd basis, there is absolutely no concern for his or her sentience and sensitivity," wrote Tacium. "And yet, as people who have kept either animal as pets or on hobby farms can attest, pigs and chickens have individual personalities, logical species-specific behaviours that reveal their physiology and requirements, and remarkable sensitivity to physical handling and human attitudes. Veterinarians from the 1920s reporting about the behaviour of pigs during flu outbreaks said they 'cry out when handled, that is interpreted as signs of muscular tenderness.' Very much like how I feel when I get the flu."

 Ebola haemorrhagic fever is really a highly contagious disease. Ebola symptoms occur 2-21 days after infection, even though it is common for symptoms to appear within the first week - they will include a sore throat, headache, fever, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea. Then the individual may bleed internally from major organs or bloodstream and the digestive system. The loss of blood can be so severe which it eventually causes shock on the body and respiratory failure, and in many cases this quickly results in death.

The advanced signs are vomiting, rashes, impaired Kidney and liver functions and bleeding both internally and externally. There is currently no known strategy to EVD. The best modern medicine can do is replace lost fluids and hope for the best. The mortality rates are between 50% to 90% .Most patients die within ten days of infection from shock due to internal bleeding. The only way to fight this contagion would be to quarantine those infected. This way the virus dies using the victim. The body and many types of items that came in contact using the infected has to be sterilized. This could be accomplished with detergents or the surer way of burning all infected items and victims.

Currently there is no cure or vaccine for Ebola virus as well as exact origin and natural reservoir have so far not been identified. Many researchers indicate the rainforests for the African continent plus the Western Pacific. Non-human primates are not suspected to be the reservoir.

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